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Be Prepared: Sensational Kids Therapy's Inclement Weather and Cancellation Policy

Updated: Nov 3, 2024

children in winter in colorful clothes making snow angels

With winter upon us, we're providing a quick reminder of the Sensational Kids Therapy inclement weather and cancellation policies. Please remember that your therapist sees many other children throughout the day, and adherence to these policies ensures that we can provide the same level of service to all of our clients.

Weather Closures

On snow days, therapy will be canceled when DC Public Schools are closed. If DC Public Schools are not closed and there is a concern about weather affecting your child’s therapy session, contact your child’s therapist directly to discuss the situation.


Occupational and physical therapy sessions must be coded in 15-minute increments. If your child is not present for at least 8 minutes of each 15-minute increment, we cannot bill for that portion. Therefore, if you are 7 minutes or more late for your session, we cannot bill your insurance company for the first 15 minutes. We will submit charges to insurance for the remaining time spent with your child, while the late time will be billed to you directly.

Late Pick-Up Fee

Since we are not able to supervise your child either before or after his/her treatment session, we ask that you remain with your child until the therapist is ready for him/her, as well as be present at the end of the session to pick up your child. We require parents to return to the waiting room 50 minutes from the start of their child’s session. If parents have not returned at the 55-minute mark, a $15 late pick-up fee will be assessed.


If your child is sick or unable to attend therapy, please contact your child’s therapist immediately to cancel and reschedule the session. Please do not bring your child to the office if he/she is sick. Your child must be free from fever, vomiting/diarrhea, and on antibiotics as needed for 24 hours prior to his/her session. Please note this policy is important to protect your child, other children, and staff.

Please cancel within 24 hours prior to your child’s scheduled session or a “Cancellation” fee, billed at the full cost of the session, will be applied. “Cancellation” fees cannot be submitted to insurance.

Excessive cancellations can result in a loss of your reserved session time. Excessive cancellations are defined as missing more than one session in a two-month time frame for clients seen one time per week and two sessions for clients seen twice per week. If excessive cancellations occur, you will be asked to schedule make-up sessions to keep your time slot.

Cancellations for federal holidays, as well as your child’s winter and spring breaks (one week) will be excused. No charge will be applied for cancellations by a therapist.

No Shows

If you fail to attend a scheduled therapy session without providing notice to your child’s therapist, a “No-Show” fee, billed at the full session rate, will be applied to your next billing statement. “No-Show” charges cannot be submitted to insurance.

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