An abbreviated guide to typical development
Pediatric Developmental Milestones
The following tables are offered to help parents identify where their child is functioning along the continuum of typical development. Because occupational and physical therapists focus on the whole child, developmental markers are provided for the categories of gross motor, fine/visual motor, self-help, and play. If your child does not appear to be achieving the milestones for his/her age, feel free to reach out to us to discuss whether an evaluation would be appropriate.
Initiating an Evaluation
To initiate the evaluation process please contact us or call (202) 244-8089 and a therapist will discuss your child's specific needs.
By Age 6 Months
Play Skills
Makes eye contact
Responds to name
Interested in faces, voices and toys
Likes peek-a-boo
Fine Motor/Visual Motor Skills
Holds rattle for 27 seconds
While on back, tracks toy 45 degrees to each side
While on back, extends straight arms toward toy
Gross Motor Skills
Elevates head/upper trunk, bears weight on forearms
Brings hands to midline with head at midline
Rolls from back to both right and left sides
Kicks legs simultaneously forward and backward
Self-Help Skills
Can hold bottle or cup for feeding
By Age 12 Months Can perform the skills in the previous age group in addition to the following...
Play Skills
May imitate sounds, gestures or actions to get attention
Emerging pretend play with real-life objects
Fine Motor/Visual Motor Skills
Bangs toys together at midline
Transfers toys from one hand to the other
Claps hands
Extends arm/hand to retrieve a toy
Gross Motor Skills
Raises to and bears weight on open palms and knees
Stops fall by extending arms backwards
Lowers to sitting position without falling
Creeps forward on hands/knees with opposing movement 6 feet
Creeps on hands/knees over adult's legs
Self-Help Skills
Feeds self small pieces of food
By Age 18 Months Can perform the skills in the previous age group in addition to the following...
Play Skills
Engages with toys for manipulation and exploration
Enjoys rolling balls back and forth with adults
Points at objects or people
Fine Motor/Visual Motor Skills
Uses pincer grasp or thumb and middle finger to grasp small objects
Uses fisted grasp on tools
Gross Motor Skills
​Can squat to secure a toy
Walks 8-10 steps independently
Walks 10 feet using a reciprocal pattern
Maintains balance while throwing tennis ball
Scoots up steps on hands/knees
Self-Help Skills
Removes socks
Cooperates with dressing
Indicates diaper is soiled
By Age 2 Can perform the skills in the previous age group in addition to the following...
Play Skills
Copies others, especially adults and older children
Parallel play (plays mainly beside other children but is beginning to include other children)
Points to things or pictures when they are named
Follows simple instructions (up to 2 steps)
Fine Motor/Visual Motor Skills
Might use one hand more than the other
Builds towers of 3-5 blocks
Completes simple shape puzzle
Gross Motor Skills
Stands on one foot with hand held
Creeps backward down steps without support
Walks up 5 steps with support
Walks down 4 steps with support
Kicks ball forward 3 feet
Self-Help Skills
Drinks from glass or cup without much spilling
Gets spoon in mouth right side up without much spilling
Takes off pants, socks, and shoes
Assists with dressing
Drinks with straw
By Age 3
Can perform the skills in the previous age group in addition to the following...
Play Skills
Identifies body parts
Can sort shapes and colors
Plays simple make-believe games
Copies others
Fine Motor/Visual Motor Skills
Imitates 2" vertical line top to bottom
Makes horizontal line 2-3" long
Copies block designs with 3-4 blocks
Snips paper with scissors
Strings large beads on a lace
Gross Motor Skills
Balances on toes with arms overhead
Balances on a line heel to toe
Jumps forward with both feet 12-15"
Walks backward 10 feet
Throws ball underhand 3-5 feet
Uses step-kick pattern to kick stationary ball 7 feet
Self-Help Skills
Uses spoon and fork to self-feed
Dresses and undresses with assistance for fasteners
Unzips coat
Washes hands with minimal assistance
By Age 4
Can perform the skills in the previous age group in addition to the following...
Play Skills
Engages in cooperative play with other children
Fine Motor/Visual Motor Skills
Consistent hand preference
Draws a cross
Laces string in holes
Cuts along a 5" line
Cuts paper in half
Traces a line within 1/4"
Gross Motor Skills
Runs 30 feet in 4 seconds or less
Balances on 1 foot for 3-5 seconds
Runs and stops within 2 steps without falling
Catches playground ball without trapping
Stops a rolled ball with one foot
Uses a step-throw pattern to throw overhand 10 feet
Self-Help Skills
Dresses and undresses without much help
Buttons and unbuttons large buttons
Puts on shoes independently
By Age 5
Can perform the skills in the previous age group in addition to the following...
Play Skills
No new skills
Fine Motor/Visual Motor Skills
Cuts out simple shapes
Copies a square
Colors with regard to boundaries
Uses a tripod grasp
Attempts to form letters
Copies block designs with 6 blocks
Gross Motor Skills
Uses climbing equipment on the playground
Balances on one foot 5-8 seconds
Stands on one foot with eyes closed
Jumps over 10" hurdle
Hangs from the monkey bars
Pumps a swing
Throws a small ball underhand 10 feet
Self-Help Skills
Can snap/unsnap
Buttons and unbuttons small buttons
Brushes teeth independently